This Bacon Potato Salad Recipe is my favorite go-to side dish for summer BBQs and potlucks. The addition of bacon makes this dish so tasty and everyone always asks for the recipe!

Looking for more potato salad options? Try our Sour Cream Dill Potato Salad, too! 

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Why You’ll Love this Potato Salad Recipe with Bacon

Move over classic potato salad! One bite of this bacon potato salad recipe, and you’ll never go back to the traditional version again. 

This has been my go-to side dish for summer BBQs and picnics for years, and it always leaves my guests begging for the recipe. The best part is that you can prep it in advance because it tastes even better the next day! 

It has all the basic ingredients and tangy flavor you know and love. However, we take it up a notch by adding crisp red onions, dill pickles, and smokey bacon. The result is a side dish that’s bursting with texture and flavor guaranteed to satisfy your tastebuds. 

Bacon Potato Salad Ingredients

See the recipe card for full information on ingredients and quantities.

ingredients for bacon potato salad.
  • Yukon Gold potatoes: These have a delightfully buttery flavor. 
  • Red onion: Adds a vibrant burst of color and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. 
  • Dill pickles: Add a tangy, salty taste and a satisfying crunch. 
  • Hard-boiled eggs: For a creamy consistency. 
  • Fresh dill: Adds a fresh, almost citrus-like taste. 
  • Mayonnaise: Use full-fat, good-quality mayonnaise to give the dressing a richer taste. 
  • Dijon mustard: Adds tangy flavor. 
  • Lemon juice: For a vibrant, refreshing flavor.
    Seasonings: Salt, pepper, and paprika enhance the rest of the ingredients. 
  • Bacon: The star of the recipe! Bacon adds a savory, smokey flavor. 

Best Potatoes for Potato Salad

Waxy potatoes like Yukon Gold potatoes, new potatoes, fingerling, and red potatoes are best for potato salad recipes. They’re lower in starch than other varieties and are higher in sugar and water. 

As a result, they have a soft texture and hold their shape even after they’re cooked. In addition, the skins are thin enough to easily bite through, meaning they don’t need to be peeled.

How to Make Potato Salad with Bacon

boiled potatoes in a pot.

Step 1: Cook the potatoes until fork-tender. Drain and allow to slightly cool.

creamy dressing in a bowl with a whisk.

Step 2: Whisk the mayo, mustard, lemon juice, and paprika in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 

chopped up potato salad ingredients in a glass bowl.

Step 3: Add the potatoes, red onions, pickles, eggs, and dill to a large mixing bowl. Add dressing and mix to combine.

potato salad topped with bacon.

Step 4: Gently fold in the cooked bacon, and season to taste. Chill for 1 hour before serving.

How Long to Boil Potatoes for Potato Salad

The boiling time will vary based on the type and size of your potatoes. I find that 10-15 minutes is best. However, if your potatoes are smaller, it may only take 8-12 minutes. Keep a close eye on them, and drain the water as soon as you can easily pierce the potatoes with a fork. 

How to Make Bacon Potato Salad Ahead of Time

Prepare the potatoes as written (boil, cool, and chop). Add to a large mixing bowl with the rest of the salad ingredients, leaving out the dressing. Do not mix the salad. Cover, and refrigerate up to overnight.

In a separate bowl, prepare the dressing as written. Cover, and refrigerate up to overnight.

When ready to assemble, follow the recipe directions as usual, combining the salad with the dressing. 

Bacon Potato Salad Recipe Tips

  • Cut all the ingredients into roughly equal-sized pieces to ensure you get a bite of everything in each bite. 
  • Avoid overcooking the potatoes. Drain the liquid as soon as you can pierce the potatoes with a fork to stop the cooking process. Continuing to cook will result in a mushy potato salad that’s more similar to mashed potatoes
  • Do not mix hot potatoes with the dressing or it can make the mayonnaise oily.
  • Allow plenty of time for the potato bacon salad to chill. The flavor will improve as the dressing sinks into the ingredients.

How much potato salad per person?

On average, a ½ cup of potato salad will provide a single serving. Of course, this will vary from person to person. So, I always recommend making a little more than you think you’ll need so you don’t run out! This recipe serves 8 people.

How to Store Potato Salad

This potato salad recipe with bacon is great to prepare in advance and keep on hand! Once combined, it stores well and tastes even better the next day. Here are my tips to keep it fresh. 

How long can potato salad sit out?

According to the FDA, perishable foods, like potato salad, should not sit out at room temperature for more than two hours or more than one hour if the temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 

How long can potato salad last in the fridge?

Stored in an airtight container, bacon potato salad will stay fresh in the fridge for 3-4 days. Just give it a good stir before serving to redistribute the ingredients! 

Can you freeze potato salad?

I do not recommend freezing potato salad. The taste and texture alter once thawed, and it does not taste great. 

close up potato bacon salad garnished with bacon.

If you try Potato Bacon Salad, please leave a star rating and a comment letting us know how you liked the recipe.

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potato salad with bacon in a white bowl.

Potato Bacon Salad

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  • Author: Katya
  • Prep Time: 30 min
  • Cook Time: 15 min
  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Yield: 8 1x
  • Category: Salad
  • Cuisine: American


This Bacon Potato Salad Recipe is my favorite go-to side dish for summer BBQs and potlucks. The addition of bacon makes this dish so tasty and everyone always asks for the recipe!


Units Scale
  • 3 lbs. Yukon Gold potatoes or any other waxy potato, peeled and cut into quarters
  • 1 small red onion, diced, about 3/4 cups
  • 1/4 cup chopped dill pickles
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs, coarsely chopped
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh dill, plus extra for garnish, optional
  • 1 1/2 cups good-quality mayonnaise, such as Hellmann’s
  • 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp. paprika
  • 8 slices of cooked bacon, roughly chopped
  • Kosher salt and fresh black pepper, to taste


  1. Place potatoes into a 4-quart pot and cover with about 7 cups of cold water. Add a generous pinch of salt to the water. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low and cook the potatoes for about 10-15 minutes, or until they are fork-tender. It may take about 8-12 minutes if the potatoes are smaller. Immediately drain the potatoes and allow to cool to room temperature or until no longer too hot to handle with hands. Cut the potatoes into bite-size pieces, about 3/4-inch cubes.
  2. To a large mixing bowl, add potatoes, red onions, pickles, eggs, and dill. Set aside. 
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, and paprika. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the dressing to the potatoes and mix to combine. Gently fold in the cooked bacon. Taste the salad for salt and pepper and add more if needed.
  4. Cover the bowl and refrigerate the salad for at least 1 hour to allow the flavors to meld and the salad to chill. Before serving, taste the salad again for salt and pepper. Serve the salad chilled, garnished with extra dill if desired.


  • Potatoes: Avoid overcooking and drain as soon as you can pierce the potatoes with a fork. Do not mix hot potatoes with the dressing as it can make the mayonnaise oily.
  • Salad: Cut the vegetables roughly into same size so you get a bite of everything in each bite.
  • Leftovers: Store covered for up to 3-4 days. Mixing the salad to redistribute the dressing. Potato salad does not freeze well as it changes the texture of the potatoes.


  • Serving Size: 1/2 cup
  • Calories: 561
  • Sugar: 3 g
  • Sodium: 598.5 mg
  • Fat: 44.6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 29.5 g
  • Protein: 10.4 g
  • Cholesterol: 128.8 mg